Welcome to Back to School Night at MMS....virtual style!
Please watch this video from Mr. Eidson first.
After watching Mr. Eidson's video then you may scroll though the names below to find your student's teachers. Each teacher has created a video for their classes 3-5 minutes in length in order to give parents a glimpse into their classroom and curriculum. Simply find the teacher's name and click on the class that applies to your student.
If you have any questions please email our webmaster (houghml@bps-ok.org) or contact the office 918-333-4444. Hopefully we can meet in person soon.
AGUILERA 6th grade Art
ARNOLD Reading Essentials - 6th grade
BELDEN 6th grade Foreign Language
BLAIN PE and Weightlifting
BOOMER 8th grade U.S. History
BREWER 7th grade Eastern Hemisphere
CARR 6th grade orchestra
COLAW 8th grade Accelerated English
DALE 8th grade Agricultural Explorations
ENGLAND 6th grade Western Hemisphere
FREDERICK 6th grade Western Hemisphere
GAGAN 7th grade English
HAMMACK 6th and 7th grade Science
HERARD 8th grade Broadcasting
8th grade Publications (Yearbook)
7th grade Photography & Broadcasting
7th grade Computer Applications
6th grade Computer Applications
HEUERTZ - All parents have been contacted to schedule an online conference
HIGGS 7th and 8th grade English Essentials
HOLMES 7th and 8th grade Team Sports
HOUGH 6th, 7th, and 8th grade STEM
IMES 8th grade Geometry
JOHNSON 6th grade Physical Science
KNOPFEL 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Band
LAWSON 8th grade U.S. History
MAYFIELD 6th grade Physical Science
MCKINNEY 6th, 7th and 8th grade STEM
MUNN 7th grade English
NEILL Literacy Lab and ELL
ORPHIN 7th grade Math
PASCHAL 6th grade Physical Science
ROBERTS 6th grade English
B. SHAW 6th grade Physical Science
M. SHAW 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Choir
STEVENS Mr. Stevens is meeting with his parents by virtual conference
STOGNER 8th grade orchestra
VILLINES 6th, 7th, and 8th grade Band
WALL 6th grade Math
WARD 7th grade Honors Math